Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Every time I load this blog, I get a popup for downloading a cgi image called "surreal." Anyone else seeing this? I can't for the life of me figure out what it is so I can get rid of it.



  1. No popups here. ....weird

    1. hmmmm.... Just me then. Very weird.

  2. I get a download dialogue box and just x it out. I deleted stuff from the blog, but I can't get enough info about it to even start to investigate it. It's hard to investigate something when you don't know what to investigate! I'm almost tempted to redo the template from scratch. I don't want to delete the archived posts and comments, so I won't restart the blog, but maybe a second blog that links back to this one for archives might be in order.

  3. Damn! I tried Googling, but all I have to go on is "surreal" and cgi, which brings up thousands of thousands of hits, mostly about special fx.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!