Monday, November 10, 2008

And the Good News Is

I'm the not so happy but much relieved "owner" of an 8mm fibroadenoma. I still have one in my right breast, so now I've got one in my left breast again. I'd been assured there was a 99 per cent chance this was nothing, but as the weekend dragged on, I was starting to think I could be in that unfortunate one per cent. However, I'm not and it wasn't until the doctor called with the good news that I realized how nervous I'd been. I'm breathing normally now, and apparently, for the last couple of days, I hadn't, because I feel so much better now.

Nothing else to blog about today. That's more than enough! :)


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  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I've been following your tweets lately, and glad everything is okay! :)

  2. Congrats on the good results. I'm going for a follow up to my mamo this Friday because apparently I have dense breasts which made my pics hard to read. I took it as a complement. :-D

  3. Thanks, Robbie, and good luck on your follow-up. My breasts are smallish, but they sure have a lot going on in them. ;)

  4. Yeah good news.

  5. Thanks, Lady B. I have another in my right breast, and I had one sucked out of my left breast 3 years ago, too. The wonders of modern medicine! :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!