Wednesday, January 09, 2008

But the Calendar Says January

Most years, there's a period of a few days to a week when the temperature in NYC warms up a bit. Today, the weather outdid itself and it was near balmy, so much so my spring sneezing kicked in.

Still no further sign of the Big Bug in the Bathroom critter. I remain vigilant, however, in case it returns, a rolled up brochure at the ready.

I somehow managed to cut my hand opening a small water bottle today. I'm a certified clutz, or should be if they gave certification for that.

Duck Pond Checks Out a Suspicious WarehouseI frittered away the night watching reruns and hockey, the news and David Letterman. And uploaded pics to flickr. Here's one. The caption is Duck Pond (yes, that's the name the company that makes it gave to it, and I added the little gun) Checks Out a Suspicious Warehouse.


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1 comment:

Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!