Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday Blahs

Make a rebus or other text shapes at the Party Printer generator site. Found on The Generator Blog.

Got my hair cut, but it's still long enough for a little ponytail. Did some shopping at my favorite dollhouse store. Had a yummylicious chocolate malted for lunch, which helped cool me off for a while.

The fog's still here. It's hot, the windows are open, and I've been considering putting on the air conditioner. In January. Surreal.


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  1. I had a HUGE bar of chocolate in my office for a while this week. Looking back, I am amazed that I ate it so quickly. And now, I am craving it.

  2. I have a jar of dark choc M&Ms in my office. My boss and I take turns keeping it filled. I've been hitting it pretty good today. ;)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!