Sunday, November 12, 2006

Jay was Back

Jay Black performed at Westbury Music Fair, now called the North Fork Theater at Westbury (sheesh) tonight and hubby and I were there, as we usually are for Jay's Westbury concerts in recent years.

11Nov2006 028
After a fairly unfunny comic, Jay came on with his usual fanfare and between being in wonderful voice tonight and funnier than the comic, it was a great show. For once, there was no political discussion. Jay, a diehard Republican, wasn't too happy and in no mood to discuss the Democratic shift. So, we were treated to great songs well sung, Jay's usual foul mouth (the only music concert I know of there with a "mature audiences" label. His son Beau, now 23, did a few solo numbers and a couple of duets with Jay. Beau's voice has matured and deepened and his growing confidence on stage makes for a strong performance. He has a very nice voice, similar to Jay's but different enough to be distinctive. I really enjoy seeing him. If/when he leaves the act to concentrate on his career, the show won't be the same.

The pictures this time are a bit washed out on their faces. I was using a fast shutter speed, but a lot of the time, the light on stage, even with the rest of the theater dark, seemed too bright. Those lights near the ceiling really were wrecking havoc with me and my camera settings.


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