Monday, July 24, 2006

Return of Chocolicious Linkage

Well, just one linkage, actually. I planned to have more, but I've been a bit busy and between busy-ness, I've been lazy. So just the one.

Random Art Generator. Found on Paperback Writer.

Work today was one of those impossible days. Too long yet too short to get stuff done. Then I came home and got distracted by creating a flickr group and watching Eureka, which was just as entertaining for its second episode.

Anyway, enjoy the link. You don't get to do much, but it's fun.


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  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Are they rerunning the Eureka episodes at all? I missed last night's.

    Thanks for the linkage ;)


  2. I'm not sure, Wil. SciFi often reruns later the same night, which would be too late. They'll probably rerun the series after they finish running new episodes.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!