Monday, December 12, 2005

Obligatory Title

Well, the dark chocolate M&Ms are gone. The last ones were eaten last night. They were yummy. I'll miss them. I washed out the plastic container I'd been keeping them in, but it still has a dark chocolate aroma. It's sad in a bittersweet sort of way. (Yes, Brian, pun intended, heh.)

I can't decide if my mood is tired, listless, or lethargic. I picked lethargic because I was in the mood for that graphic.

Posted on both Occasional Blog and Shelly's Book Shelf recently. And of course, I'm regularly posting photos on Creative Endeavors.

Good sports weekend. The Islanders won an overtime game by winning the shootout (they're exciting, but also nerve-wracking), and the Jets managed a win, making them 3-10 for the season so far. The. Longest. Football. Season. Ever.

I've been thinking about removing some of the java-controlled items in the sidebar but can't bring myself to part with anything. The sidebar really slows down opening this blog, especially in the new Firefox. I could move things to an entry and link to it from the sidebar. I know they bring in hits via searches and I like to have them here for folks to find and use in their own blogs, but the slowness is getting annoying. Feel free to offer up your opinions. I'll take all reasonable ideas, thoughts, suggestions into consideration.

And as you can probably tell, I don't really have anything interesting to blog about today and there aren't any quizzes that look like fun, so I'm just typing whatever crap is coming to mind. I'm sure you're all thrilled.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I absolutely LOVE your post title.

    Crack me up.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!