Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hapy Thanksgiving!

The rain stopped early so the wind could get in here. Can winter be far behind? And I'm going on the record as saying this change of life thing is for the birds. I'll be glad when I get past it.

These amazing sculptures were made from drinking straws. Found on The Presurfer. As was this history of 404: Object Not Found.

Q104.3, the classic rock radio station here in NYC played Alice's Restaurant, the classic and very long song (well, sorta song) by Arlo Guthrie, at noon. Another station played it, too. This was big enough news to make the NY Daily News. It's been years since I've heard it in its entirety, so it was pretty exciting.



  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving to You!!! -=)

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I suspect the 404 story is apocryphal. And the whole Alice's Restaurant thing? I'm a little hazy on that. Why did it make the news that a radio station played a song?

  3. I don't know if the 404 story is true or not, but it's a fun read.

    As for Alice's Restaurant, aside from being, marginally, a Thanksgiving song, it's also an anti-war song, one of the classics. I think the fact that it's 18 minutes long has kept it off most rock station's playlists. Even the full version of American Pie doesn't go that long.

  4. Anonymous7:23 PM

    happy thanksgiving shelly!

  5. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Hi Shelly :)

    I just wanted to come by and say "hi." I love visiting here sweetie, you write such honest entries, and I have to say, the way you have your blog decorated is absolutely decadent! Fabulous!

    Always, Carly :)
    Wishing you a warm & happy weekend.

  6. Thanks, Rose. Sounds like you had a good holiday, too. Yes, of course, I've been reading.

    Thanks bunches, Carly. That made my day. Credit for the template goes to Cat of BlogTogs. She did a great job using my photos and developing the overall look. The template was a first anniversary of the blog treat for myself. All the crap in the sidebar, I added myself. :)

  7. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Love those sculptures (but I sure can't type that word)--they are amazing!

    As for Alice, they play it on occasion around here, usually on holidays. Must be a "thing." ;-)

    Happy Turkey to you.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!