Friday, November 25, 2005

Black Friday

Had to work today, but fortunately, it was mostly quiet. No traumas or disasters, which was good, because I was in charge, and I so dislike having to deal with either traumas or disasters. It's not like I'd go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I know some folks treat it like a sport, an extreme sport, but much as I love shopping, I like doing it in a nice, mostly empty store so I don't have to wait for anything, including dressing rooms and cashiers.

Fast commuting time today, though, as everyone else apparently, was already out shopping or still home sleeping. And it was cold. In the low-20s F. when I left, with a windchill of 10° F. It warmed up fairly well by lunchtime, and I did take a late lunch. The sun was fairly warming, which won't be true in another month. And the air was clear. A really nice day. Just cold. So I wore flannel-lined jeans for the first time this fall. So comfy. And I had a nice cinnamon scone for lunch from Au Bon Pain. You read that right. Not everything I enjoy eating is chocolate. I've got a thing for cinnamon, too.

Bloglines has been sluggish today in picking up new items. Yes, I actually read some blogs for work, mostly the book, publishing, and library-related ones.

We've got a nice little group now in Cyber Chocolate Realm (the Frappr map thingie), so thanks to those of you who have signed in. If you have a Frappr map, just leave a comment and I'll go sign into yours.

Ran the spellcheck, which I usually forget to do. Blogger questioned the word "blogs." I told it to learn. There's something kinda wrong about me needing to tell it that.



  1. Anonymous8:59 AM


    It's nice to catch up on your postings and it makes me feel better to see how cold it is in New York. I am in Prague for a year and certainly seemed cold enough for me this week but I did like the snow. It made an already beautiful city even more lovely.

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I know what you mena. Blogger also questions blogger and blogging as I recall. It makes you wonder.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!