Saturday, November 26, 2005


S for Saturday, the end of. Even with 2 days off in the middle, this was a long week. Today was a long day. I felt like crap during most of it, but most folks calling were nice. However, there was an annoying clicking on the line (of course, on Saturday, when most of the tech folks don't work) that conspired with noisy patrons to give me an annoying headache, which mercifully vanished as soon as I walked out of the library at 5:05 p.m.

I'm convinced that there are parts of one's body that have one mission in life and that's to screw things up for the rest of the body. Certain reproductive organs, which shall remain nameless, sit with little calendars (probably PDAs nowadays) and check to see when will be the most inconvenient time for the body as a whole to be feeling bloated, crampy, chilled, and brain dead, and that's when they pick for certain required activities. Someday, medical research will prove my theory. Just wait.

Along with lots of spam from Mr. or Ms. info, I'm getting a lot with the not terribly enticing subject line of ?????????.?????????? Anyone else? I've also been getting a lot of spam in Arabic and Hebrew. So nice to see equal opportunity spam.

Still making icons, mostly playing with new effects (well, they're new to me). It's about all my brain's been able to manage this week. You can see the results over at Nothing Special.

Feeling: , which is a big improvement over this afternoon.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Ah. The joys of not being a woman. Not that there's anything wrong with being a woman. I'm just glad I miss out on periods.

  2. heh. A few more years, and I hope I'll be missing out on them, too. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!