Been playing with, trying to learn it. I think I'm getting it, but with my own website with hundreds of links, I'm not sure I really have a need for it. Also been uploading photos to Flickr. Now that's an online service I'm getting addicted to. Between it, Blogger, LiveJournal, and Bloglines, I don't know how I managed in my pre-web days.
Was home today because I'm working on Saturday, so I got some cleaning in, then frittered away the rest of the day. It's amazing how easy that is to do. I suspect tomorrow will be more of the same, but I do want to get some reading, maybe some writing done, too. And it's gonna be a nasty, rainy, cold day tomorrow. Makes me glad we don't have to go anywhere.
Isles lost after letting the game get tied in the final few minutes of regulation, then blowing a shootout after overtime. This letting a win get away in the last 2-3 minutes is starting to get real old.
According to David Letterman, they were having trouble with the White House balloon for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade because "it wouldn't stop leaking." Obvious, but very funny.

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