Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Blog Pimpage

Haven't done this for a while, so it's due. There will be repeats. With so many AOL exiles with excellent blogs now on Blogger, I thought I'd post a mix of blogs I love to read.

First, I can't talk about favorites without starting with Brian Damage (irreverant humor), Anonymous Rowhouse (as good as memoir gets), Puglet Ponderings (she hasn't been updating much lately, but I love this blog), Little Paper Drink Umbrellas (a new addiction), and Because I Am (real life trials and tribulations). Other good ones are This is My Body, this is My Blood, Zydeco Fish, Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, and Fading the Surface Noise. And really, I could name more. Many more, but I intend this to be a sampling only. Feel free to browse through my blogroll in the sidebar.

AOL Exiles: Ellipsis... Suddenly Carly, Outpost Mavarin, The Daily Snooze, Robbie's Ruminations, and Judith Heartsong. I've slowly been working my way through the AOL in exile blogs I've been finding. And hoping folks will stay put for a while so I don't have to keep changing my subs.

In the special interest category: 75 Degrees South (life in Antarctica), my so-called strife (Kirk is our guide to modern culture), The Comics Curmudgeon (Josh reads comics so you don't have to, or so he says; funny stuff), Savage Chickens (weekday chicken comic from Doug Savage), Drawn! (for art and illustration lovers), Generator Blog (for fun things to use on your blog), Booklust (book talk and cartoons from Patricia Storms), PostSecret (people share their deepest secrets on postcards), Sites and Soundbytes (a link blog; I love a few others, but am highlighting this one because I only recently discovered it), Stuff on My Cat (there are many other, better photoblogs, but none this much fun), Bill Crider's Pop Culture Magazine (yes, he's a writer, but this isn't a writer blog, exactly), and Bacon and Ehs (a link blog with a personal touch).

Truly, I could go on and on, but these are all ones I enjoy immensely, and I found many of them by clicking on the links on other blogs I was reading. And by clicking Blogger's Next button. And by surfing on BlogExplosion.

Cross posted on Presto Speaks!



  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Gee, thanks for the nice words.

  2. You/re welcome. Did you sign my map yet? I forget. :)

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    No, I haven't signed the map yet. I'll get right on that.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Awww,thank you Shelly :)How ever can I repay you :)

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Awww, thank you Shelly! :)

  6. There's always chocolate. Or pimpage back. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!