Today, in honor of Eat Crap for Lunch Day (okay, I made it up as an excuse to go to McDonald's), I had Chicken McNuggets, fries, and a bottle of water (yes, I can behave nutritionally at times). I'm sitting in a little booth, eating and reading, when someone knocks over the yellow, plastic caution thing, the one that says "Watch Your Step" because someone had spilled a drink on the floor. Made me wonder if they would've slipped on the soda if not for the plastic, knee-high object slowing them down.
We've been told at work to not recycle paper in the computer printers. I always use the wasted fax spam (fam? I know someone coined a word for this, but can't recall what it is) sheets in my printer and they almost never jam. If any paper jams, it's the new paper fresh from the pack.
Elsewhere, Hershey's and dark chocolate go well
Make your own
trading cards from your digital photos.
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