Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Nightly Wrap Up

When I heard the news this morning that NYC didn't get the 2012 Olympics, after a momentary disappointment, I felt profound relief that we won't have all the hassle of feeling like we're under seige. Last year's Republican Convention was enough of a mess with streets blocked off and more congestion than usual. That wasn't even a full week. The Olympics go on for 2 weeks and security would've been a nightmare for those of us trying to just go about our business. I was figuring that since I'd be retired by then (though I do plan to get a part-time job), I could've just stayed home the entire time, but now I don't have to worry about it. Hope the Mets still go ahead with replacing Shea Stadium, though. They really need to do that.

Cleaned out a lot of shoes. Got rid of a pair of black shoes I love but hardly have worn, but salvaged the cotton laces to use on a pair of black sneakers that had those annoying nylon laces that keep coming undone if I don't double knot them.


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I visited the 63 World's Fair twice and didn't find NYC anymore fubar'd than normal. Frankly, the St. Paddy's day parade causes more of a SNAFU.

    Aside from the whole bomb issue, Atlanta wasn't anymore difficult to get around in during their hosting of the Olympics than it was at other times.

    Your mileage may vary...

  2. Parts of NYC were behind barricades during the Republican Convention. You had to show ID to get in. Given that it was part of my route to work, I had to give up my morning 12 block work and take the subway to my regular stop for 4 days. Already today, they're increasing security due to the London bombings and said to expect delays. This isn't Atlanta, and it's post-9/11. I am so very glad we aren't getting the Olympics. Most NYers didn't want it.

  3. A few more thoughts, now that I'm awake. :)

    The NY World's Fair was '64-65. We must've gone nearly every weekend in the summer, since we lived 20 minutes away. I went with my school class once. It was a contained area and a different era. Back then, we were worried about Communism and had shelter drills periodically. The thought of someone shooting up an area or setting bombs was not in anyone's mind.

    I'll probably do a post on the whole thing, especially in light of what just happened in London. But 9/11 changed everything and there's no going back to what was really an overall safer time.

  4. Just noticed a typo in my earlier comment. Should be my 12-block walk to work. sigh


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