Sunday, June 26, 2005

How I Managed to Keep Busy Doing Nothing

Worked on updating the blogging pages on the ImPRESS Books site, read blogs via Bloglines and my LiveJournal (LJ) Friends page, watched baseball, fought off a wicked headache with some aspirin, overworked the air conditioner trying to stay cool, had a yummy chocolate malted for lunch, made more user icons than I can use for my Write Stuff LJ (this sunset, from one of my photos, taken out my bedroom window, is one of them), and am sitting here hoping the Mets can hold off the Yankees for a series sweep. Except for watching tonight's ballgame, nothing had been on today's official To Do list. And now Bloglines is down for maintenance and I'm suffering blog withdrawal. Guess I'll have to check my favs by clicking each one in my blogroll here. Oh, the torment.


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    i love reading blogs...i can waste the whole day scanning them.

  2. They are addictive, aren't they? Thanks for visiting, and for commenting. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!