Monday, June 27, 2005

Insert Title Here

In general, a dreary, rainy Monday to be followed by a dreary rainy Tuesday and probably a dreary, rainy Wednesday. As you can see from the non-title, I not feeling too creative right now.

I answered my "Where were you when...?" meme here. Some folks on AOL picked up on it, but they got it from someone who got it from Wil. Which is cool. I was just hoping to see it get some more generalized activity. Oh well, there's still time.

A Smilie Dictionary with a sense of humor. (Found on Grow-a-Brain)

Out of Bounds Art is very cool. (Found on Chaos Theory)


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I followed the weblines from sistercdr ("Sorting the Pieces" and sunnyside46 ("Midlife Musings" to your terminus. I don't usually answer these quizzes, because I like to reveal myself in my own way, at my own time, not at someone's behest. But, because I am a decrepit, aging hulk, I found yours to be irresistable. My answers, if you wish to know them, can be found (anon) in my blog. Search for b4i8clover; you should find it.
    P.S. There are few more noble professions than librarian. If you don't mind, I'll pimp your journal.

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I'm lost.

  3. Hi, Malcolm,
    I understand what you mean about the quizzes. I just happen to be a questionnaire junkie. I fill out most I see or get in the mail, even if I just toss them after. :)
    Thanks for the kind words re: librarians. I think so, too, which is why I chose to be one. And no, I don't mind the pimping. Thanks.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!