Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Ooo, A Poll

I want some feedback, so have added a mini-poll to the sidebar, just under my profile info. Please take the few seconds needed to answer. Thanks. Obviously, the guest book was a waste of space, but every so often, I come up with questions I'd like feedback on, and will put up a poll. Thanks for your time.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Love polls. Love this blog! It showed up on Writer's Edge as the first "New Jane" ad. It surely worked for me!

  2. Thanks. I took a look at your blog and will be adding it to my blogroll. Very cool blog. I hadn't heard of New Jane. I am in the Women Bloggers and Daisy Blogs rings. I wonder how the ad came up but I'm glad it did. Thanks for visiting.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!