Wednesday, July 13, 2011

File Under Tales from the Library

From today's phone reference stint...

Patron: Can you send for the book from Canada?
Me: No, we can't get books from Canada, anymore.
(This continued back and forth for a while til I said: Canada is a separate country from the US.)
Patron: No, it's not. It's a province.
Me: ... (Well, no, I didn't pause. I stupidly tried to explain.)

Feeling: bemused



  1. And here I thought we were the 51st state! :)

  2. See the things you can learn at the library! ;)

  3. I'm pretty sure I could not have kept myself from laughing at that point. YOU are a professional!

  4. I'll admit I had to put the phone down for a few seconds to compose myself. ;)

  5. Love it! This Canuck gave you a plus one for being a professional and sharing this with us. :)

  6. I knew my Canadian friends would enjoy it. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!