Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fifteen Films

I did this for books, but don't think I did it for films. I got this on Facebook.


Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen films you've seen that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall -- they don't have to be the best films of all time. Tag 15 friends, including me because I'm interested in seeing what films my friends choose.


However, I have to think about it. Remembering titles, let alone the movies since I have to go back decades, takes a bit of time. Some of these are movies I've seen dozens of time. Others, just made an impression.

1. Laura. I can't begin to remember how often I've seen this. A perfect mystery, one that has been copied in both movies and on TV and probably elsewhere.
2. A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. One of the funniest, funnest films ever.
3. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. My other favorite comedy. Zero Mostel and Jack Gilford at their best. I've seen this on Broadway, too, back in the '60s.
4. Wait Until Dark. One of many "scary" movies I saw while growing up in the '60s with my friends. I don't want to lose slots here, so I'll add Psycho and Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte, two other scary movies from that time that have stayed with me.
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey. A family plus outing. We were 4 families seeing this when it opened, totaling 20 adults and kids, and we had at least that many theories -- discussed over dinner at Mama Leoni's -- re: what it was about.
6. Serenity. Because it was wonderful that Joss Whedon got to bring Firefly to the big screen.
7. Young Frankenstein. Mel Brooks' best, along with The Producers (first version) and the odd but wonderful The Twelve Chairs and Blazing Saddles.
8. Some Like it Hot. Great cast, great film. Nuff said.
9. Star Wars. The first one, because it was the first one, despite being chapter 4.
10. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Because it brought back memories of watching random chapters of serials when I was a kid going to the old neighborhood theater with my friends.
11. Star Trek (2009). Because it reinvented the franchise without destroying what came before. This will stay with me for the rest of my life, I suspect.
12. To Kill a Mockingbird. The best book to movie adaptation. Ever.
13. Alien. For scaring the crap out of me. Not a movie that should have been seen at midnight, which is when a friend and I saw it. The walk home in the dark after was almost as scary.
14. Little Miss Sunshine and Best in Show. A tie for just pure quirky fun.
15. Animal House. Still the best of its kind.

There are plenty of others. And I'm not tagging anyone. Do it if you'd like and leave a comment so I'll know to go read your choices. :)

Feeling: hot

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