Friday, October 24, 2008

Hot Chocolate Season

Some rich hot chocolate. Consider it virtual sharing. This is Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate and it is so rich. I added a bit of milk, but I didn't need it. It was plenty thick and creamy all on its own. I might've used a bit more than required of the powder. More typically, I use a heaping teaspoon of this with a packet of Swiss Miss, which is actually just right. I wanted to see how this tastes on its own and as a before bed beverage (a BBB), it's almost too much. But definitely worth trying.

Just about one week left before my website goes dark and my mood icons vanish from here, as will some of the icons in the sidebar, mainly the fan ones. I'm not sure what other graphics will disappear from here or my other blogs. I've moved the template graphics to Blogger, so I hope things won't look too odd around here. If so, I'll do some adjusting.

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  1. I am new to Blogger (an AOL refugee-they d/c'd blogs this week) Anyway was wondering (?) whey you are losing the blog. Is it because you have used your allowed amount of graphics storage?
    I discovered Ghiradelli's Hot chocolate last winter...It's wonderful!

  2. Hi, I used to blog with AOL Journals, but started this blog a few months after starting my AOL journals.

    I'm not losing the blog or any of my blogs. I'm giving up my website/domain ( where I was storing my graphics because the webhost is going out of the webhosting business. I had that website longer than I've had this blog, so it's been a mess to deal with.

    I've moved most of the graphics to Blogger, but the mood icons can't be moved because they're in the posts and the URLs will change and I am not changing close to a thousand posts just for that.

    And there might be other graphics here and there that will vanish once the web host shuts down next Friday. At some point, I'll find another place or way on Blogger to host the mood icons and any other graphics I missed the first time through.

  3. Shelly, you should be a food photographer. Your photos always make my mouth water!

  4. Aw, thanks, Andi.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!