Saturday, April 14, 2007


Here's a game I didn't need to know about: Boomshine. Annoyingly addictive. I think it's the music. Or the pretty colored dots that blow up into larger ones and pop when they're hit. At each level, you're told how many you need to pop by dropping a "bomb" in the midst somewhere to start the chain reaction. I gave up at level 12, which is supposedly the last level, with a score of 189. You do get to repeat a level til you achieve its goal. I couldn't get past level 12, damn it. I'll have The Presurfer to blame for this new addiction. ;)


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  1. I'm stuck at Level 12 with a score of 211 and have hit 54/55 twice in half an hour. Damn! I've got to get something accomplished today. There's stories to edit and others to write. Double Damn!!

    You are an evilwoman® Shelly.

  2. heh heh

    I got as high as 47 for level 12, but then my totals were getting worse and worse, so I figured I should quit before I completely bombed out.

    And I wear my evilwoman-ess with pride. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!