Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Chocolate on the East Side

March2206UES 042
Originally uploaded by ShellyS.
My favorite donut place closed. They're tearing down all the buildings on the block to put up a highrise.

Meanwhile, I found a chocolate place that looks to be worth a visit.


  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Hi, Shelly. Have you ever visited Debbie Ohi's blog? I think you might like it because: she's a freelance writer; she has a comic strip named Will Write for Chocolate; and she is a Filker. (She also has a fascinating personal history having to do with the web.) Here is the link:
    Cheers, ra

  2. Yes, I get it via email. I thought I'd blogged about it here a while back. It's so hard to keep track.

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    your blog is ADORABLE!! I love your's making me hungry!

  4. Thanks, Carrie. I get hungry looking at it sometimes, too. :)

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I've read about La Maison Du Chocolate, they're not tearing it down are they?!?

  6. No, not that, CC. It's fine. My donut shop, a little hole in the wall corner store by a subway station is gone. *sniff*


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!