Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Meaningless Meanderings

"Destroyed, dumbstruck, and wordless! A stunning must-read!"
"A scintillating journey!"
"I was wordless after reading this stunning chronicle!"
These testimonials from Blurb-o-Matic. Found on Scribbling Woman.

Yes, we're back to regular blogging. The repostings from Retro-Spective are finished. There really weren't all that many of them, considering I had that blog for a year. Oh well. I hope some of you enjoyed some of them. Now, let's look at some more fun links.

Here's a kid after my own heart. He collects library cards! Found on Librarian.net.

The God Checker covers the gods of myth. Found on Sites and Soundbytes.

And a reminder to my newer readers and anyone who hasn't already done so, to sign in on the Frappr map thingie in the sidebar. Thanks, much. It's fun seeing where people are blogging from and it's fun seeing what, if any, pics folks pick to express themselves in Cyber Chocolate Realm.


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