What I managed to get done:
- Visited best friend, J, for the weekend, went to miniatures show, spent lots of money, got cool things.
- Got our next amateur press book in print.
- J and I got to meet fellow blogger justrose. Fun time was had by all.
- Came home and sorted through mail, caught up on blogs.
- Voted.
- Mammogram/sonogram. Normal.
- Eye doctor visit. Got change of prescription for lenses.
- Went to gym twice.
- Cleaned the apartment.
- Put away new dishes, tossed out old ones.
- Read some of the comics piling up.
- Revised WIP a bit.
- Updated website.
- Made icons for LiveJournal.
- Applied for NYS non-drivers photo ID.
- Had some yummy malteds, made pancakes for breakfast once.
Well, damn, that's not too shabby. I didn't get to everything I wanted to do (damn, I need to clean again), but I got to a lot of it, more than usual when I'm off work. I've been trying to decide if I have more energy now that my synthroid dosage has been upped a bit. Marginally, perhaps, but I'll be able to tell better once I'm back on a work schedule, I think.
On another note, I've added Comment Moderation here. I'm hoping I won't have to do that on my other blogs, too. Someone with a Blogger account and no blog has been leaving "free" iPod spam comments here, clearly checking for recently updated blogs, and since I can't ban an individual user, as far as I can tell (I did email Blogger Support asking about that) and I don't want crap comments sitting onsite til I get the email that they're here and can delete them, I decided it's best to have to keep checking for comments and being the one making them live. Please don't let that inhibit your commenting. Legit comments from actual readers are much appreciated. I love hearing what you all have to say. I just have time or energy or patience for spam.

I am planning to spend my fall gaining weight. I will eat a lot and sleep a lot. I will do light chores and clean my bedroom occasionally. To make some relaxation, I will spend my day watching TV. Football season is now halfway and the NBA is making a great start.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a dream vacation. Of course, given that the unfortunate Jets are having the season from hell, I'm watching hockey and eagerly awaiting baseball 2006. :)
ReplyDeleteNow I get to see if I'll end up having to moderate my own comments.