Thursday, September 01, 2005

Word Verification

Within seconds of my posting the previous post, 2 anonymous comment spams appeared. I have introduced word verification for comments on this blog. I really hate doing this, but enough is enough. If this doesn't help the situation, I'll have to shut down anonymous commenting. Let's hope this does the trick because I do want folks without Blogger accounts to be able to comment. Just remember, though, that anyone can get a free Blogger account; you don't really need to blog with it.



  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I haven't gotten a single spam comment since I turned WV on!

  2. I'm hoping it does the trick here, too. I just don't like using it because I have trouble sometimes seeing what the letters are and it's taken me 2-3 tries sometimes, to post comments. And of course anyone who is visually impaired or using a screenreader won't be able to comment. But the spam was getting nuts.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!