Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Sky is Falling

Well, maybe not the sky. With all the excitement of my new blog design, I forgot to blog about the little mishap here at work yesterday. Seems that a section of the ceiling over the bookstacks in the corner came tumbling down and made quite a mess. A couple of the maintenance guys and the building manager think a combination of vibrations (mostly from the heavy truck traffic on the street), drying out of the plaster, and general age of the building (it's well over a hundred years old) combined for the collapse. At least it happened early enough so no one was in the area and therefore, no one was hurt by dropping plaster.

It's been that kind of summer. Just enough crap to remind us to appreciate the good when it's here.


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Your site is cruel and unusual punishment for those of us who don't have any of that delicious chocolate in the house at the moment. Gurgle! Sorry this comment doesn't have anything to do with this posting, but had to mention it.

  2. Well, I can't say people aren't paying attention here. heh. Just don't lick your screen and you should be okay. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!