Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Over the Hump

Two more days, then I'm on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. Today, I had my follow-up sonogram for the fibroadenoma removal. All is well, which is always good to hear a doctor say. It was a nice day, too, and I went to the gym after. Hadn't lost any weight since last week, but didn't put any on, either. I'm considering that a good weigh-in.

Posted a couple of things over on The Write Stuff. And am trying to catch up with things before I leave on Saturday. I still have to pack. The weather is so changeable this time of year, especially in Michigan, where I'm going, that I never know what I'll need so I end up with some clothes for a variety of temperatures, most of which I end up not needing. But it will be good to get away and just have fun.

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