A patron calls to change her address.
Me (re: her apartment number): H as in Harry?
Her: No. H as in.... help. H E L P.
Me: uh...
Someone has underlined in pencil many passages in four books, and included written commentary. Not to be outdone, someone else has taken a yellow highlighter to 6 other books (two of which also sustained serious water damage). A couple of these were fairly new and are now ruined. Books aren't cheap these days and library budgets are still depressed. I hate thinking about the cost of replacing all those books, though fortunately, we can probably afford it this year. But I can't stop thinking of how many books are still to be returned that are as badly marred or damaged.
Still riding a chocolate high from yesterday. Had a couple of the chocolate (dark) covered grahams I got yesterday at the Jacques Torres shop for dessert tonight. Chocolate covered grahams never tasted that good to me before. Now if I can only find chocolate covered jelly graham cookies that taste like what I remember from when I was a kid. Yum.
The day was clear and pretty nice, but cold. This was the first real chill which means, I guess, that winter really is coming.
"House" just gets better and better. "NCIS" had a nice, taut episode and some really funny moments.
And now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go try that Jacques Torres hot chocolate.

I love chocolate. like your blog even better. (that is a great feat!)