Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Lactose Free

Over a year ago, I eliminated a lot of lactose and fructose from my diet to keep my IBS under control. That meant no milk, no ice cream, no wheat products, that sort of thing. Oddly enough, some cheeses, like cheddar, are low lactose and fine for me to eat. Recently, I decided to try Lactaid products. The milk is fine, even the two percent fat. And the chocolate ice cream is decent and quite creamy, even if it doesn't have the rich chocolatey goodness of Haagen Dazs or Edy's. But it's fine, especially when I tossed a handful of Nestle's mini chocolate chips into the dish. But it does not make for a good malted, unfortunately. The taste, even with Carnation Chocolate Malt, was somewhat bland and there were hardly any bubbles. Ah well, at least I can enjoy ice cream.

Lactaid Chocolate Ice Cream

Lactaid Chocolate Ice Cream with Nestle Chocolate Chips

Lactose-Free Chocolate Malted


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