Thursday, May 19, 2016

Questionnaire Thingie

Saw this on Facebook and figured, what the heck. It's been ages since I've done one of these here and I needed something to post. In case anyone still reads this blog.

The idea was to indicate with an X the things on this list that I've done. As usual, I'll do more than that. I also took the liberty of fixing some grammar.

Fired a Gun: Nope. Held one once, though.
Been Married: Am married.
Fell in love: See above.
Swam in an ocean: Lots and lots and lots of times, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Gone on a blind date: Yup, a few times.
Skipped school: Never. I was such a goody-two-shoes.
Watched someone give birth: No
Been to Canada: A couple of times in my youth.
Been to Hawaii: Twice
Been to Europe: No
Been to Las Vegas: Once
Been to Washington D.C.: Many times.
Been to Nashville: No
Visited Florida: Yep, a few times.
Visited Mexico: No
Seen the Grand Canyon: Only flying over it in a jet.
Flown in a helicopter: No, but I have been on a 6-seater plane.
Been on a cruise: No, not interested, either.
Served on a jury: Have been called for jury duty, but haven't been on a jury so far.
Been in a movie: No, but that would be so cool.
Been to Los Angeles: Yup, a few times.
Been to New York City: Heh. Born here, live here.
Played in a band: No. So not musically inclined.
Sang karaoke: No.
Made prank phone calls: Sure, when I was a kid. It was one of the things to do in the pre-internet era.
Laughed so much you cried: Many times.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue: Of course.
Had children: No.
Had a pet: A parakeet when I was a kid.
Been sledding on big hill: No, just on a small hill when I was a kid; it looked big to me.
Been downhill skiing: No
Been snowboarding: No
Been water skiing: No
Rode on a motorcycle: No
Jumped out of a plane: No and have no desire to do that.
Been to a drive-in movie: Yeah, when I was a kid. There was a drive-in not too far from our house, so we went a few times.
Rode an elephant how about a camel: No.
Been on TV: A quick look on a local news channel reporting on commuter train issues one night.
Been in newspaper: No
Stayed in a hospital: I assume this doesn't include while being born and just after, but yes, a few times.
Donated blood: No
Gotten a piercing: No
Gotten a tattoo: No
Driven a stick shift vehicle: I don't drive.
Driven over 100 mph: See above.
Been scuba diving: No
Lived on your own and doing it now: Have lived on my own, not on my own now.
Gotten a speeding ticket: No, don't drive as mentioned above.


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