Sunday, December 16, 2012

Candles Burning Brightly

As someone who had to key punch cards to do computer searches for my college class in FORTRAN, I found this Google60 kinda fun, if slow. The graphics are lovely and somewhat nostalgic, even if Google didn't exist back then. Link found on Neatorama.

Chanukah Menorrah
T'was the last night of Chanukah, but a friend and I will seek out more potato latkes next week for their sheer yumminess. :)

Feeling: tired



  1. Hope you had a lovely Chanukah! I do love potato latkes. Delicious! Menorahs are so beautiful and inspiring. I love looking at them. If you get more latkes please take pics of them if you can. :) Happy Chanukah once again!

    1. Thanks, Chelly. Yes, it was nice. And if I do get more latkes, and there's enough light, there will be pics. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!