Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mal and Spike: The Adventures Continue

Mal and Spike Visit Egypt

Got a snarky comment that started off saying this was the worst blog ever. But I didn't understand the rest, so didn't publish it. Isn't it nice to know there are people out there who are so helpful that they take the time to tell you you suck?

Feeling: , but still cold.

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  1. Shelly,
    I know you have like a billion and one, but I REALLY think Spike and Mal need their own blog. Really really truly. Just pictures.

  2. Actually, Puglet, along with the various flickr sets for the action figures and other toys, I have a LiveJournal community for Mal, Spike, and their friends called the MalContents:

  3. I've seen the worst blog ever, and this isn't it. Trust me. In fact, dude with the worst blog ever left a comment that mine sucked. They are just trying to get us angry, and it works too.

  4. Aw, thanks. :)

    I wasn't angry, tho, after the expected WTF? moment. Then I was amused, which is why I posted about it. I wouldn't post the comment because I wouldn't give him or anyone the satisfaction or credit.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!