Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Quiz and a Concert

First, the quiz. I wanted Mars, but I think I blew it with the favorite metal question.
You Should Rule Saturn

Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye.

You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature.
And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance.

You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life.
You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past.

The concert was at The North Fork Theater at Westbury (aka Westbury Music Fair, which it will always be to me). Peter, Paul, and Mary, with Mary back triumphantly, though still trying to build up her stamina, after cancer treatment that included a bone marrow transplant. She talked about it a bit. I loved hearing that she had a tee-shirt that read: Chemosabe. It was a bit unsettling to see her with short hair. Their concerts are a lovefest, and they get to take breathers while letting the audience sing, sometimes a capella. Truly one of the classiest music acts.


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  1. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Well I did get Mars.

    I am sure you are right about the metal. I picked copper that has a nice ruddy glow to it similar to Mars.

    However I would prefer Saturn. It's an awful lot bigger than Mars; it isn't so dusty and is likely to stay free of immigrants for the foreseeable future. It also has a few decent satellites so I am willing to do a swap with you. I'll give you Mars in return for Saturn. To make the deal fairer you can even keep one of Saturn's rings.

  2. You've got a deal. Saturn for Mars. ;)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!