Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hot and Bothered

It's frigging hot here. Triple figures Farenheit hot. I think my brain melted, so until I can gather all the thoughts that leaked out my ears, blogging will be sporadic here. A couple of times in the last few days, there was a power blip and Maya, my PC, rebooted herself. Tonight, twice already, the power strip the den A/C is plugged into shut down. I suspect this will be a long, hot night. I just showered and I'm already sweating.

Plus, I may have permanently damaged some synapses by reading an awful novel adaptation of DC Comics characters so I could blog about it on Shelly's Comic Book Shelf.

Feeling: (I really need to find a good graphic for HOT!)

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  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Oh 'friggin'' always sounds worse than the f word to me. I know you have an interest in words so here is an interesting (well to me so to everyone else it probably = boring) usage of frig as a noun.

    Before I decided to go straight and sell my soul to a Czech University I used to practise physics on nuclear plants. There a 'frig' is a small piece of wire usually with crocodile clips at each end carried around by operational engineers to bypass electrical safety interlocks. This was usually done in a very responsible manner as part of a fault finding process but nonetheless was against the safety operating rules. Inevetably a frig was left in position and found by passing an interlock by someone that should never be allowed to see it. The station manager outlawed not only the use of frigs but even the mention of the word frig on the nuclear site.

    Henceforward frigs, when being used, were were known as hot potatoes.

  2. Fascintaing. Thanks for sharing that story. :)


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!