Thursday, April 27, 2006

Words to Live By

Quote of the Day: "Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual."
- Terry Pratchett

Which brings to mind something I heard years ago: "Never eat anything bigger than your head." I didn't recall the attribution, so I Googled it and got a lot of different ones. So, I figure it's fair game, so to speak.

Here's a bit of wisdom I came up with years ago: "It's often best to leave sleeping library patrons alone, because awake, they're often more annoying than their snoring is."

Anyone have any personal wisdom to share? Leave 'em in the comments so we all can enjoy them. If I get enough, I'll put 'em in a post.


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  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    According to my father, these were my Grandfather's parting words as dear old Dad departed Union Station to go to World War II:

    "Never pass up a chance to pee."

    Restrooms not being as readily available then as (perhaps) they may be today, it's sound advice.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Wil--I'm cracking up: I say this to my kid all the time when we're traveling!!

    Shelly--Can't believe I'm quoting Reagan here (or, rather, his speechwriters), but mine is "Trust, but verify" especially apropos re teenagers in one's house.

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Well, I've always tried to live by the procrastinator's oath:"Never put off until tomorrow something you can get out of doing altogether." But somehow I don't think that's what you meant.

    Actually, all I wanted to say was you might be interested in this web cartoon strip that takes place in a public library.


  4. Hey, Paul, that advice is as good as any.

    As for Unshelved, I've been reading it for over a year now. In fact, it's over there in my blogroll in the sidebar, under Art and Comics. :) There are also print collections and merchandise.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM



Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!