Sunday, March 26, 2006


It's been 2 years since I started blogging, so along with the tour of my apartment (and work will be added soon) mentioned in the previous post, I made a celebratory graphic. I'd like to thank all my regular readers for sticking with my blog(s) and me and a Big Hello to newcomers happening by. I hope you find something you like and return for more.

I will admit to some disappointment at slipping back to a Flippery Fish in the Ecosystem. I didn't mind going back down from Reptile to Amphibian, but this is fairly depressing. I know a lot of links back to Cyber Chocolate were due to folks doing memes that were from here, and that once that died down, I might slip a bit, but I didn't think it would be enough to bump me down to fish. And I can't even swim!

But spring is in the air and life is good, and something like one's rank in the blogosphere seems so silly and trivial. And yes, I am trying to convince myself of that.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a celebration. I don't have any cake, but I hope this dish of chocolate ice cream will suffice.


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  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Congratulations on the blogiversary & many happy returns of the day.

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Happy Chocoversary (I'm trying to be witty. Work with me here.) I'm impressed with your fortitude. Most people abandon their blogs after a few months and it is refreshing to come across someone who's in it for the long run. Congratulations :)

    Also I wanted to tell you that I added a link to The Malt Shop to my blog about blogging, just in case it happens to show up in your referrals.

    Have a great anniversary :)

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    woohooo! It's been an excellent two years :-)

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Yay!! Happy Blogiversary!

  5. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Hello, Knock, knock. Stopping in from Lessa's Peace of My Mind. Happy Blogiversary.

    I am so relieved really, to see that someone else thinks about their evolution in the blogosphere. I made it to crusty crustacean (sp?) when I posted about my Mom and asked everyone for help. But I'm back to being a multicellular org. Ho hum. I have been on a chocolate jones of late and when I was trying not to look at Leesa's horrid picture of some morphed dog, I caught site of your blog link and I be. As a matter of fact, I just finished a Cadbury Fruit and Nut bar. Now my tummy is not happy. When I was in Ireland last June, I bought the best cookies...made by Cadbury. Cookies, or biscuits really, coated on one side with Cadbury chocolate. I had to share them with my fellow coach companions, but I started a trend and the next time we stopped, more packages of biscuits appeared! It's no wonder I gained five pounds on that trip.
    See ya 'round.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!