This meme is everywhere, it seems, so I don't recall where I've seen it. At least 3 places, more like 4 or 5. And I haven't done it til now because I can't think of 10 things. And how would I know what my few readers have done. But I came up with a few things that might suit. I wish my life wasn't so ordinary.
1. I've held a meteorite. It's from Arizona and was donated to the library where I work.
2. I once got to see Late Night With David Letterman (the NBC show) from the production room, or whatever it's called. Hubby knew someone who got us inside. We had to stand for the whole show, but it was fun being privy to what the director and others have to say.
3. I got to go on a back scenes tour at the Greenbelt Tracking Center (for space flights), in Maryland, I think. I don't have a map handy. My father and his space buff buddies knew a guy who worked there, for NASA, and he arranged for a tour for the group. My mother and I went along. This was in the '70s, right after I finished college.
4. I once entered nothing into an art show. I wrote on the bid sheet, "Invisible Man Action Figure." A few women thought it was very funny and bid it into the auction. Watching the auctioneer carefully handle and describe this invisible figure was well worth the effort of creating nothing. It sold for $11.
5. I think I was in 4th grade (maybe 3rd). Some kids were taking accordian lessons so I wanted to, too. It was a disaster. I could barely lift the thing. And music isn't my thing. I'm not tone deaf, but I'm probably close.
6. Also when I was a kid, I drew one of those "Can you draw this picture?" that was on a matchbook and my mother had me mail it in, so I got to take a course with the Famous Artists School. Doing art and getting comments back via snail mail didn't work well for me and I quit about a third of the way through. I was big on quitting things when I was a kid.
I do much better with creative pursuits when I can work on my own speed on the things I want to do. Make it work, and I lose interest.
7. Back in the '70s, whichever year "Equus" was first on Broadway, I got to see it from the stage. A friend was able to get the special student tickets for a group of us and we were among the people who played the "jury."
And that was all I apparently did, so I'll add 3 more
8. I went to see the Christmas tree lighting one year at Rockefeller Center. My friend and I couldn't get close enough to see the tree and it was mobbed at least 30 minutes before the big event. I got claustrophobic and we decided to leave, but couldn't get through the crowd. So I announced very loudly that I was about to be sick and if people didn't move, I'd be sick all over them. A path was instantly cleared. Moses couldn't have done it better.
9. I nearly fell off a volcano in Hawaii. I did fall off the bike on the Maui downhill, but was low enough to land on a grassy incline. Any higher up and I would've ended up in the Pacific. That volcano was 10,023 feet above sea level. It was on our honeymoon. Hubby, who was on a bike behind me, got seriously freaked. I certainly cemented my rep for clutziness with that.
10. hmmmm.... the last one's always the hardest. Well, I did get to look out of the Statue of Liberty's eyes, back in the late-'60s. The arm was unstable and off limits even back then, but we could still get into the head. And along with my father and cousins, I actually walked up all the way. My mother and aunt didn't walk the whole thing, and I don't recall how far my younger sister got. I sure couldn't do it now.

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