Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's a Date

Hubby and I went on a date tonight. He met me after work and we saw the movie "Good Night and Good Luck," which was excellent, then had dinner at the Outback (I tried the new Cairns Citrus Chicken, which was yummy, but didn't have my camera, so no photo, sorry), followed by some browsing in Best Buy. I picked up 2 DVDs: First season Stargate: Atlantis and Madagascar, plus the new Robert Plant CD. I've been really digging "All the King's Horses" which Q104.3 has been playing a lot the past week or so, and had to get the CD it's on.

I deleted my AOL photojournal today. I felt a tiny pang, then it was over. I hated losing the comments more than the journal, itself. I still have all the photos on my PC that I uploaded to AOL, so will slowly load them into Flickr for reposting of my favs on the new Creative Endeavors.

It had to happen, I suppose: Librarian Trading Cards.


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