Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hump of the Week Update

I'll admit it. I like typing the word hump. Don't know why. Just do.

Got my teeth cleaned, will need to have two old silver fillings replaced. Oh joy. Not.

Got a photo up on Creative Endeavors, using Blogger as the host for now. Must figure out how much space they give us for photos. Added counter, claimed it on Technorati, added Bloglines and Blog Explosion buttons, and overall, think it looks damned pretty.

Choice lines from David Letterman's monologue tonight....
  • Re: bear hunting in NJ: Before they shoot the bear, they force it to dig its own grave.
  • Re: seeing a deer on the road: It had that Bush in the headlights look.

I thought I was being clever over on Shelly's Book Shelf, swapping out the template for the same, though newer version, then adding back in my customizations, so I could get the trackback feature without having to add all that code myself and managed somehow to drop comment link completely from the entry pages. The comments link appear only on the main blog page now. Dunno how I did that or how to fix it. Don't have time to work on it now. Too busy rearranging my AOL names and fixing up the new photoblog.

Apparently, I can get almost any blog URL I want here if I start with "shellys."

Islanders won.

"Invasion" just gets weirder and weirder, but I'm still enjoying it.

Was hot and humid today, 70 degrees F. Supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow. Ah, lovely fall weather.

Picked up glasses with new lenses. Seem all right, so far. Got to the gym, too, second time this week. Go, me! Scale said I lost 2 pounds since Monday. I'm choosing to believe it.

And here's another new mood icon I created.


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