Saturday, October 30, 2004

Blogging Stuff

Okay, so I've spent most of the day surfing on Blog Explosion. That doesn't mean I'm addicted. Really. And folks who have blogs that take almost the full 30 seconds to load (or in one case, the blog wasn't loaded by the time Go appeared, so I Went) aren't getting much benefit from the visits. I barely see the title come up, then up comes Go as the clocks ticks to 0 and I'm outta there.

Meanwhile, I found this on one of the blogs I was surfing through, so I didn't catch the URL.

Are you sure you are a geek? You sound
suspiciously well adjusted.

how seriously geeky are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Hey I'm not a geek at all either!

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "You are a good geek. Congratulations, you can navigate the real world and still maintain the things that make you a geek."What the hell? I'm a geek? I'm devastated, bloody devastated!

  3. Anonymous1:31 AM

    I wanted to be a geek, too. I feel like a fraud now, blogging without geekhood.

  4. That anonymous comment was from me. I didn't notice that the radio button for Anonymous was clicked, not the one with my name. sigh. I might not be a geek, but I sure am befuddled at times. :)

  5. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I'm a Good Geek. Excellent!
    I've blogrolled you, woman.


Thanks for commenting and have a chocolicious day!