Thursday, November 08, 2012

Still Here

First it was the hurricane, now a nor'easter that dropped snow on us. I've been hunkered down, venturing out to vote and for a medical appointment. Which makes for nothing much to blog about and my chocolate supply is getting low, which means I'll need to venture out again, soon. My Saturday plans for lunch with friends has already been canceled due to iffy public transportation for many of them.

Don't recall if I blogged about seeing Argo, the Saturday before Sandy struck. It's awesome and I highly recommend it. Even knowing the story is true, I was on the edge of my seat. Now I want to see Skyfall, which, weather permitting, I should get to next week, maybe. There are still some older movies I should see first before they disappear.

See? A boring post. I need to get out.

Feeling:  blah


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